the edumercial
Need to reach out to a broader audience?
AVH live communications has pioneered a breakthrough way to reach new audiences in a cluttered media world. Broader audience, broader interest, broader impact!
Want to increase consumer awareness?
The Edumercial broadcast and media campaign is a way to win 30 minutes of attention… not just 30 seconds. The consumer is hungry for real information and demands real knowledge... and consumers will reward the company that recognizes this. The centre of the Edumercial™ campaign is honest information that the audience really wants to know.
Want to build goodwill, grow market share?
The broadcast establishes a company's dominant position as market leader or as an industry innovator. It emphasizes corporate responsibility while creating a new way to reach a target audience. The Edumercial broadcast acts as the heart of a broader public awareness campaign which can be rolled out on social networks and in a thousand other ways. These fully-sponsored national television events have been produced for such sector leading-companies as RE/MAX, Inco, TD Bank and Astra-Zeneca generating thousands of dollars in free publicity and solidifying relationships with service organizations, government and the public sector.